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Team Size: 9
Worked on Project Between January 2018 to April 2018
Tools Used: Visual Studios, Git, Lua, & JSON
Engine Used: Custom C++ Engine

Game Concept

Short Version: The game is a fast paced, high-precision platformer with a robot themed story of workplace revenge.


Long Version: Players play a robot who at the start gets thrown into a trash chute by the big boss of the corporation. As soon as the players get to the lower levels of the company, players are to try and get out of the place by platforming to higher locations. Conceptually, the players would have fought the big boss at the end of the game but development time held it back.



  • Cleaned and commented on the code that was left behind from the teammate who left the team.

  • Programmed the enemy into the game using lua for the scripting of the entity and json to place it in the world.

  • Advised the tech director in trying to refactor the old physics code so that collision and physics aren't in the same file or too closely tied together.

  • Fixed some of the smaller bugs in the game by running through the game and informing the tech director about them.

  • Worked with Git as a source control and used it through command line to get all the up-to-date files on the game.


  • Designed the enemies that would show up in the game by drawing out how they would be a hazard towards players.

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