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Psychic Detective

Team Size: 6
Worked on Project Between May 2019 to April 2020
Tools Used: Maya 2019, Perforce, & Dialogue Plugin (Marketplace Asset)
Engine Used: Unreal Engine (4.22), Maya

Game Concept

Short Version: A first-person narrative puzzle game where you play as a detective who has psychic abilities, trying to solve a murder mystery on a train.

Long Version:  Players play a detective with psychic abilities like mind reading, spirit communication, or telekinesis and the player's goal is to find out who murdered someone on the train. The train becomes strangely different because the villain is a magician that can create illusions.


Level Designer

  • Conceptualized all the levels of the game on paper and improving them through conversation with other designers.

  • Implemented level plans into Unreal with simple geometry, BSPs, and assets made in Maya.

  • Created 3 levels in the early production stage that had multiple branching dialogues, tutorials, and goals to complete the players'  tasks.

  • Made a train station level to adjust to the new direction of the game where the station would be teaching players' mechanics of the game.

  • Restructured the train to fit the change in direction of the game.

Technical Designer

  • Prototyped several systems and mechanics that would be used in the game and to show the team what the game would play like.

  • Guided programmers and designers on how to use Unreal for their first time and help them with scripting some of the mechanics onto their AIs.

  • Scripted out most of the events that happens based on player's actions or their dialogues with NPCs.

  • Scripted NPC dialogues with branching conversation points and dialogues that have events depending on what the player chooses.

  • Debugged a lot of the systems when some of the teammates find a bug conflicting with their work.

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