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The Team Titles

Image Source: Dissolve

This was a wondering thought as I was browsing people of the gaming industry and I saw so many job titles that represent their team or company. There were titles that were simple, "Designer" or "Programmer" but then you get another step up from these and get, "Game Director" or "Producer". Simple job titles, easy enough.

But then, we trudge into the titles such as "Technical Producer" and "Creative Director". These titles aren't bad because they explain what the person does in the company. The thing about these creates questions. What's the purpose behind the separation of titles? Why add different names to the job title, like "creative" instead of "game"?

This also burns into more psychological questions. How does one feel about a director who's responsibility is to ensure its "creativity" rather so the "game" direction? Am I reading too much in the line there? Can teams function better with a person who owns the title of both producing and programming?

Seeing small to moderate teams from my perspective, titles can mean little to a lot of things. Depends on how that person may see it. As of right now, these questions will sit and maybe a part 2 of this can either solve these things or further my interest on the titles in the game industry.

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